Friday, July 21, 2006

Eugene Family Lands In Wisconsin, FINALLY!

It took 6 days of long hours driving in heat that easily went into triple digits. Everyone made it just fine though including the animals. The dogs had it the worst in the back of my truck. I don't have air conditioning so I wasn't much better, but we stopped a lot and watered them often. This trip has made it very very clear that outside of Oregon, there are not enough trees for shade. We found ourselves huddled under one spindly little sappling for shade more than once during this journey, wolfing down fast food and drink. The drive, while beautiful, was much like a dream where no matter how far or fast your running, your never getting any closer. At least thats the way it felt for yours truly, of course at a mind numbing top speed of 60mph, its easy to feel every singel one of the 2200 some odd miles we drove. I'll post more pictures and stories later as I need to start getting organized and unpacked.