Friday, April 29, 2005

Battling uphill at Churchill

Irish lose to Churchhill in a close game. (13-12, I think) Kids were hitting much better as well as bunting and stealing. Fielding still needs work. A lot of guys kicking the ball around and missing key plays. All in all though this week has given them some practice as a team and thats what its all about. It was a beautiful afternoon. We have another game tonight against Willamette.


Anonymous said...

Colin, the pitching machine man of the hour, made some great pitches. He later got coaching on the correct way to place the ball in the machine :)

Colin said...

How rude.

Anonymous said...

Since I was unable to see the game I'll have to pass on that one. Thanks much for sharing the photos and the stories. I really appreciate it since I can't be there to see them play.