Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Lets try this again

I have been fighting myself on whether or not to continue this blog. Frankly, it became too much for me to keep up with on a daily basis, and like exercise, easy to forget about if I’m not in some sort of routine. So I am going to give it another try.
I will be adding a couple of things to the blog that are outright self serving and I’ve come to grips with that and encourage you, my loyal reader to do the same. One is this link for Etsy. Its an online shop basically. Some of you may know that in my spare time, I dabble in knot work and found that its easier to justify the time I spend on it if I actually make something useful like dog leashes for instance. Well, one can have only so many leashes so I’m selling them online. I’ve had some success with Ebay, but prefer to list on my own terms and give people the chance to order something custom which is discouraged on Ebay. In doing this, I think I might be able to relight my blogging fire by making it something I come back to everyday. The other new feature that I’m trying to add is a weather feature so all of you in warmer parts of the country can feel better about yourselves knowing that your not in danger of frostbite if you forget your mittens while going out to check the mail. I would also like to use this blog as a way of showing you all what I do now. This is the other self serving part. I want to draw attention to what I do for a living now. I want to do this for two reasons, one is that the product is very cool and the other is to spread the word that we are here. Our web site is and we are one of only a handful of companies that do what we do. So I’ll be posting images of the various garments we’ve designed. Hope your all ok with it, if not, let me know and I’ll be sure to "file" those complaints in their respective folders.

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