Thursday, November 03, 2005

Blustery and Beautiful.

I love today!
I woke up on the crabbly side of the bed and Kim apparently had the same problem with her side.
So it started out a little rough, but as soon as I stepped outside for my morning walk, leashed to my faithful ball retrieving carnivorous companion, I was immediately pelted in the face by 40 mph wind driven rain and happy with my choice to wear both jacket and gloves. Its a perfect fall day, leaves blowing all around, the smells of fall fills the air, its raining but not too hard, its chilly but not too cold, you get the idea, its a perfect day for a fire and some hot coffee. Since walking around with fire might seem awkward to the neighbors, I go with coffee only. I really enjoy the walk, watching the people as I go. There are the usual characters out, the guy with the 2 dogs and blue hat with earmuffs, the lady on the football field taking giant one yard steps to the 50 yard line, running back and doing it again. She never says hi or good morning or anything. There’s the elderly couple who walk hand in hand and are always quick with a wave. Although I didn’t see them today. Then there’s this sad girl on her way to school who always looks like she just can’t take another minute of this life. I always make it a point to say ‘good morning’. At first she wouldn’t even acknowledge me. I figured she thought it was weird that a stranger would be friendly, and its probably been drilled into her head from early on that talking to strange men is bad. Which is a good thing to be cautious of. She must be getting used to me though. She smiled once the other day and this morning, gave me a tentative ‘good morning’ back. It was a breakthrough of sorts. She seems to think of herself as sort of an outcast and I wonder if she’s ok. She reminds me of a lot of people I’ve known and sometimes a random smile and friendly gesture from someone outside her circle of acquaintances is a refreshing sign that all is not lost with the world, at least that’s what I want to believe. She probably thinks of me as the old dog walking guy that keeps bugging her. That’s ok too. Anyway, It was a nice walk and by the end, I was in a great mood.


Anonymous said...

You have much more metaphysical walks than I do in the morning. I'm hunched over in sweats and rain jacket praying the dogs don't pinch a steamer and that they both go in the same direction at the same time. I'm glad when the corner rolls around and home is in site as is Coyote. No one but the antisocial paper guy on my walk and the people peering through the windows waiting for the crazy lady (me) who curses her dogs and flails in all directions when the dogs chase leaves in opposite directions or stop instantly for a smell I'm probably glad I missed. And why are you not as social anywhere else? Must be the outdoors. love you, me

Colin said...

Its not that I'm terribly social, its just that when you see someone everyday for 4 months. You sort of feel obligated to acknowledge there existence with a simple "hello" or my personal favorite, the head nod.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is great that you feel that "chipper" in the morning. I on the other hand am not - don't have a dog to walk but that is the way I want it. And in the morning when I head out the door it is to go to work at 5am (which is why I am up at 4am) and it is a combination of getting up that early and going to work that makes me down. If I were doing something fun - like just going for a walk (I wouldn't go at 4am) I suppose that I would be happier too. I too like the fall but am not looking foward to winter - winter here is COLD - COLDER - COLDEST! Don't mind the snow as long as it stays off the streets. Well enough of my pesamistic attitude - have a great day!

Anonymous said...