Friday, December 02, 2005

Christmas Tree Cat Toy

You would have thought our Christmas Tree was made of pure catnip! The other 3 cats really could care less, but its Stinker’s first Christmas and its proving to be just too much for him, from the sparkly hanging tinkling glass to the shiny antique ornaments he loves it all, and who can pass up a chance to become a cat-kabob by chewing on the lights. Not him, that’s who. Not to mention it brings the perfect hiding place that he’s used to in the wilds (of our backyard) indoors, conveniently out of the wet weather yet maintaining its benefit of being able to conceal him whilst he waits to pounce on the always unsuspecting Sammy, who from the sound he makes would have you believe Stinky lit him on fire and put him out with a chain saw. All this usually starts at about the time I start to fall asleep. Any amount of clapping or yelling is seen as an empty threat and he just keeps going until Kim forces me to get up and stop the infernal racket. As soon as he hears foot steps coming his way though he shoots back under the tree where he knows I can’t get to him. Sammy of course is the biggest baby in the house and will cry bloody murder if Stinky gets within 4 feet of him. I usually get mad at Sammy since he’s the one actually making the unbearable noise and it makes me wish I could find him a skirt to wear.

Since last mentioning the money draining Tooth Fairy tradition, Dylan has yanked two more teeth out and now I’m firmly convinced its purely for the cash. But his little trick backfired the other night when he tried to chomp down on a carrot, only to learn that it takes more than gums alone to crack one of those babies. Ha ha, sucker. It does however slow down his eating dinner to an unbearable pace for my inherited patience level.
Guess I’m the sucker.

I hope to hang some Christmas lights this weekend, but unless the rain stops, I will have to continue to look at the neighbors. Boy, they really make me look like a scrooge too. Especially after putting up my Halloween stuff on the first of Oct. I still maintain that it is perfectly acceptable to hold out and put your tree and decorations up the 2nd week of December. It would appear that I stand alone in my thinking. This may be the earliest I’ve put any tree up and look at me, I’m feeling pressure to put lights up and its only the 2nd. That’s a sack of crap. This next year I might merge all the holidays together and dress my Christmas tree in my Halloween costume while eating leftover turkey sandwiches as I hide Easter eggs under it.


Anonymous said...

you truly make me crack-up. where was this delightful sense of humor while living at home?

Anonymous said...

You can't roll them all into one cause then it would be like any other day. You have to keep them seperate and it is ok to put your tree and decorations up early - it gives your animals something to play with for a long time and as long as they are happy then everyone is happy. Right?