Monday, December 05, 2005

Principal's Thespian Ways Discovered

You read right people, the Principal of Dylan’s school is a big Thespian. And a good one at that!
This little discovery was made possible by my brides attempt to inject a little culture into our lives. She bought tickets to A Christmas Carol.
At first I was a little skeptical about the whole thing eating into my precious time of contemplating just the right moment to hang Christmas lights (the right moment still hasn’t presented itself) Anyhoo, my skepticism was soon laid to rest as the performance started. It was very engaging and entertaining. Although the name is a little misleading as there is nobody in it named Carol (I joke)
It was performed at a little dinner theater downtown. Watching the play however, you would’ve thought the tiny stage was boundless.
One big surprise of the show and I mean that literally as the guy is huge, was Dylan’s school Principal was one of the main characters. Actually he played several and flawlessly to boot. It made the play all the more entertaining and provided a connection and point of interest for Dylan although even without Mr. Boling, the play was riveting enough to keep an 8 year old’s eyes glued to the stage. That is a huge endorsement if you ask me. After the play, Dylan had to fight his way through the crowd and let Mr. B. know what a good job he’d done. I thought it was neat that he felt comfortable enough to do that and the fact that Mr. B. had made himself accessible to his students like that says a lot about his character. It was a good time and one I would recommend, misleading title or not.

From there it was straight to the bowling ally where we got right back to the seriousness of preparing for the fast approaching showdown with Grandpa. Upon arrival, I stated as I usually do that this time, “I was probably going to bowl a perfect game”. Only this time I back it up with a strike on my first roll, Head high and maybe a little cocky, I stepped up to clinch a second strike towards my goal, Only to roll a disappointing split. Lofty dreams died a hard and fast death as my game fluctuated from pure brilliance to the gutter and every combo in between. All in all, we played pretty good by our standards, I took the first game, Dylan the second. Kim was “consistent” both games.
I’ll get em next time, or the time after that or perhaps my perfect 300 is lurking in wait of the big game with Grandpa H.

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