Friday, December 30, 2005

Time, The Immortal Buzzsaw

Another year has past at an even faster rate than the one prior.
I gave the passage of time some thought this past weekend while standing in the never ending rain and wind on our coast. Although chilly, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The immense power and overall hugeness of the ocean never fails to inspire awe and humility. Dylan and I sat on the rocks and watched enormous waves effortlessly toss about giant logs. Toss them up on the rocks only to yank them back into the frothy, churning soup a few waves later. Evidence of the elements breaking down the land were everywhere. Maybe they were more pronounced because the destruction was sitting on the man paved road that will one day be nothing but round shiny rocks picked up along a beach that isn’t there yet. Although Ma nature tears down, she also rebuilds and its a cycle that never ends. Things change, and often, these changes can’t be stopped. Instead of trying, we just sat and watched the beautiful pounding of the surf against the formidable rock. The rock slowly losing the fight and changing into the new beach.
Jim, Karen, Kim, Dylan and I had a great day. It was good to get away. Although a short trip, it felt like a long relaxing one for me. We made good use of our time. Saw a lot and ate some good food. Too much good food.
We also managed to stop by a tourist trap that for as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to stop. Its an old nautical museum type shop. This place is my kind of place. I loved it and was happy to have stopped, even though it burned up some extremely valuable daylight that I could have used on the drive back. But we made it home safe and sound anyway so I’m glad we took the time.
Our New year is shaping up to be pretty low key. Jim and Karen board the train back home tomorrow. They will be missed. We had a great visit and I’m sorry to see them go. Hopefully we’ll be seeing a lot more of them once Jim retires in 6 months. Maybe by then the housing market will have crashed and they can get a house that isn’t incredibly overpriced.
I don’t make New Years resolutions, I strive to change things and evolve as I feel the need. But if I were to make one, it would be to make more stops along the way instead of putting the things I want to experience on the back burner for another day.
So there it is. Oh and I plan on using my camera for more family pics than commercial ones. I looked back at my images from the past year and although we have a lot of family pictures, it was painfully obvious to me that I have dropped the ball in this department. Aside from those two resolutions, I’m not making any.

Happy New Year,

The End.

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